Getting Started with Xcelprep

1. Creating Your Account

  1. Visit the XcelPrep registration page
  2. Fill in your personal details:
    • First Name (e.g., Ibrahim)
    • Last Name (e.g., Mohammed)
    • Email address (e.g.,
    • Phone number
    • Create a secure password
  3. Click the green "Sign up" button to create your account
Registration form

After registration, you automatically receive 3 free attempts for each subject you register for!

2. Selecting Your Exam Type

After registration, you'll need to select the exam you want to prepare for:

  1. Choose between:
    • JAMB (Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board) - For university entrance exams
    • NOUN (National Open University of Nigeria) - For distance learning programs
  2. Click "Start Preparation →" under your chosen exam type
Registration form

3. Selecting Your Subjects

After registration, you'll need to select your subjects:

  1. You must select four subjects required for your JAMB registration
  2. Note that "Use of English" is compulsory for all courses
  3. Choose your remaining three subjects based on your intended course of study:
    • Science Subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Agricultural Science, Technical Drawing
    • Arts Subjects: Fine Art, Music, History, Geography, Government
    • Commercial Subjects: Commerce, Economics, Accounting, Business Studies, Computer Science
  4. Your subjects can be changed later if needed by clicking "Change Subjects"
Registration form

4. Navigating Your Dashboard

After subject selection, you'll see your personalized dashboard featuring:

  • Subject Cards: Quick access to all your registered subjects (Physics, Use of English, Chemistry, Biology)
  • Attempt Information: Each subject card shows remaining attempts (typically 3 per subject)
  • Performance Metrics:
    • Best Subject Score
    • Lowest Recent Subject Score
    • Average Recent Subject Score
    • Highest JAMB Test Score
  • Analytics Graphs:
    • Detailed Score Trend Over Time
    • Recent Subject Performance
Registration form

5. Taking a Single Subject Quiz

Each registered subject comes with 3 free attempts to start with.

Starting a Quiz

  1. Navigate to "Registered Subjects" in the sidebar
  2. Click "Take [Subject] → Exam" for your chosen subject
  3. Review the instructions:
    • Free plan starts with 20 questions (5 minutes)
    • Pro plan allows up to 70 questions
    • Unlimited plan offers up to 150 questions
Quiz instructions

During the Quiz

Registration form

Quiz Features

  • Countdown timer in the top-right corner
  • Question navigator on the left side
  • Clear indication of answered questions
  • Previous/Next navigation buttons
  • Auto-save of answers as you progress

6. Taking a Comprehensive JAMB CBT Exam

The JAMB CBT exam simulates the actual JAMB experience:

  1. Click "TAKE JAMB-LIKE CBT EXAM" on the Registered Subjects page
  2. Review the instructions:
    • This is a simulated JAMB CBT experience
    • You'll take all four subjects in one sitting
    • Each subject consists of 50 questions
    • Total of 200 questions (50 per subject)
    • Time allowed: 2 hours for all four subjects
  3. Click "Start Exam" to begin
  4. Confirm your decision when prompted
  5. Navigate through the exam:
    • Switch between subjects using the tabs at the top
    • Answer multiple-choice questions
    • Track your progress with the Question Navigator
    • Monitor your remaining time
Registration form

7. Managing Your Subscription

Available Plans:

Free Plan (₦0/month)

  • 3 free attempts per month
  • 20 questions per quiz
  • Basic performance tracking
  • Access to limited question bank

Pro Plan (₦3000/month)

  • 10 attempts per subject
  • 70 questions per quiz
  • Full access to question bank
  • Detailed performance analytics

Unlimited Plan (₦5,000/month)

  • Unlimited attempts
  • Up to 150 questions per quiz
  • Full access to all features
  • Priority support

How to Subscribe:

  1. Click on "Pricing" in the user menu
  2. Select your preferred plan
  3. Click "Choose Pro" or "Choose Unlimited" depending on your selection
  4. Complete the payment process

Screenshot: Subscription management interface

Registration form

8. Making a Payment

When upgrading your subscription:

  1. Choose your payment method:
    • Pay with Card (direct online payment)
    • Pay via Bank Transfer (manual transfer)
  2. Fill in your payment details:
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Email
    • Amount (auto-filled based on your selected plan)
  3. If paying via Bank Transfer:
    • Note the bank details provided (GTBank, Account Name: Adamu Mohammed, Account Number: 0172791950)
    • Make the transfer
    • Upload proof of payment (screenshot, photo, or PDF)
  4. Click "Pay" to complete the transaction
Registration form

9. Changing Your Subjects

You can change your registered subjects at any time:

  1. Go to the Registered Subjects page
  2. Click the "Change Subjects" button
  3. Select up to 4 subjects from the available categories:
    • Science Subjects
    • Arts Subjects
    • Commercial Subjects
  4. Note that your previous attempts will be preserved when changing subjects
  5. Click "Save Changes" to update your subject selection
Registration form